Recycling Sustainability Useful Tips

5 Easy & Fun Recycling Tips for Aussie Households to Save Time & Money

Welcome waste gurus! 


Are you looking for ways to get your household recycling program running more efficiently? Then look no further than this comprehensive blog with 5 recycling tips that will save you time and money, and make the process fun for the whole family. Best of all, these tips are specifically tailored to Australian households. 


Tip #1: Set Up a Visual Recycling System

Having a designated spot in your home to easily deposit recyclables is key. Label each bin with clear descriptions so the entire family, including children, know which items to put in each bin. Setting up a colour coding system depending on the materials being recycled, like green for paper and cardboard, and blue for plastic and glass. This will make it easier for children, and the entire family, to process and recycle items. 


Tip #2: Take It Outside

Having a designated zone outside for your general waste bin, recycling bin and green waste bin will give your family a neat and organised recycling system. Place it in an area that is accessible for the whole family, and remember to take the time to educate your family on what materials go into each bin. 


Tip #3: Reuse, Recycle Materials 

Prioritising the use of existing materials that you already own at home can drastically reduce waste and save money. Try to think of new ways to use everyday items that you would normally discard, like reusing yogurt pots as plant pots or using an old t-shirt as a washcloth when cleaning. Recycled materials can also be used for various craft projects. Make sure to check out your local second-hand shops or recycling centre first before tossing out any item. 


Tip #4: Make It Fun

Involving the entire family in the recycling process is a great way to make recycling interesting. Providing incentives and rewards will make them more engaged in the process. Dedicating a weekend to a recycling sorting activity is another great way to make the activity fun and efficient. 


Tip #5: Containers for Change 

Australia is now home to a fantastic program to reduce landfill waste: Containers for Change. Supported in all states except NSW, this program incentivises households to hand in eligible drink containers at approved drop-off points for 10¢ cashback. This is a great way to get the entire family involved in recycling and make money while helping the environment. For more information about Containers for Change contact your local government.


Now that you have the know-how, it’s time to take action! Encourage the family to get involved in recycling to help inspire a sustainable lifestyle. 


To help you get started, here are three leading non-profit organisations that are making a mark in the recycling world: 


Planet Ark: An Australian non-profit organisation which encourages the nation to reduce, reuse and recycle 


Boomerang Alliance: A national alliance of Australian environmental and conservation organisations tackling plastic pollution 


Clean Up Australia: An independent, not-for-profit, environmental organisation

Industry News Recycling Sustainability

7 Ways to Make Waste Management Easier for Your Home or Business

Waste management can be a difficult effort for both businesses and individuals. Not only does it take time out of your day, but it can also be expensive and harmful to the environment. Fortunately, there are ways to make it easier and more efficient to manage your waste. Here are 7 ways to make waste management easier for your home or business. 


1. Develop a Waste Management Plan 


Developing a waste management plan for your home or business can help ensure that your waste is handled correctly. Brainstorm with your family or other members of the business about the different types of waste that need to be managed and the necessary steps to take. Ensure that everyone in the home or business is aware of the plan and that they are trained on how to properly dispose of the waste. 


2. Set Up Compost Stations 


Compost stations are a great way to reduce the amount of waste produced at home or in the office. All you need to do is set up a container and label it as a compost recycling station. Then, you can sort your food scraps, paper, and cardboard into the container. Once composted, you can use the mixture as a soil additive in your garden or even donate it to a nearby farmer’s market. 


3. Get Everyone Involved 


Encourage everyone in your family or business to take part in the waste management process. Assign each person a job or create a schedule so that someone is responsible for collecting and disposing of the waste. You can also make a game out of it by creating friendly competition between family members or competition between departments in the business. 


4. Recycle 


Recycling is a great way to reduce the amount of waste produced. Separate your different types of waste into containers or bags and then take them to your local recycling centres. Organise a collection event in your area if necessary and be sure to alert your neighbours to make them aware of the event. 


5. Repurpose 


Repurposing can also help reduce the amount of waste produced. Repurposing items such as old furniture or clothes can turn them into usable objects. Even small items such as food containers or paper can be repurposed as art, crafts, or decorations. 


6. Reuse 


Reusing items helps reduce waste and can often be a great way to make money from old items. Consider setting up a community garage sale to help reduce waste and make a few dollars in the process. You can also donate clothes, furniture, and other items to local homeless shelters or non-profits. Making waste management easier for your home or business can help reduce both time and money spent on the process. By following these tips, you can ensure that your family or business is doing its part in reducing waste and helping the environment. 


7. Containers for Change 


Have you heard about Containers for Change? This is a great way to help reduce waste and make money at the same time. It’s simple – all you need to do is collect eligible drink containers and return them to a Containers for Change depot. Your containers will then be redeemable for money that can be donated to a charity or put back into your pocket. It’s a great way for families to make a difference and get a little extra money in the process. To learn more about containers for change head to

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Useful Tips

Winter Clean-Ups Made Easier With a Skip Bin From Saunders Waste

For many people, cleaning up your home and garden is often a chore that is best avoided. While cleaning up can require a lot of hard work, the benefits of tackling a big clean-up project are often well worth the effort. In fact, during the winter months, cleaning up your home and garden with a skip bin can be an even more valuable task to tackle. 


Using a skip bin during a clean-up project is a great way to save time and energy. As the bin can be dropped off directly to your home or garden, all you need to do is fill it with the rubbish and debris left by your renovation or clean-up, and the skip bin company takes care of the rest. This makes the process much quicker and easier to manage than trying to dispose of waste yourself.


For garden clean-ups, winter is the ideal time to rid your yard of overgrown foliage and debris. During summer, garden waste may be difficult to remove efficiently as soil can become dry and easily disturbed. As the winter months bring rain and moisture to the soil, it makes it easier to remove garden debris with less effort. 


Using a skip bin for home renovations or clear-outs is also a smart move during winter. As most of the weather is more active and windy during warmer months, clean-up jobs become a bigger hassle. Leaves, sticks and other debris can stir up while you’re working and cause more mess, detracting from your overall clean-up efforts. During the winter months, weather conditions are usually calmer, which means less mess and more efficient clean-ups. 


Finally, if you’re undertaking a clean-up while you’re moving residences, winter is the ideal time of year to do this. With the cooler temperatures, you don’t have to worry about sweat and fatigue as much. This also means that you can be comfortable removing items from your old space, as well as transporting them to your new one. As a skip bin can hold a great deal of rubbish and debris, using one for your move is the perfect way to make it stress-free and efficient. 


Overall, cleaning up your home and garden during the winter months is a great way to make the process quicker, easier and more efficient. Using a skip bin for your project makes it even simpler and ensures that all the waste is taken care of with little effort on your part. So if you’re undertaking a big clean-up this winter, don’t forget to order a skip bin to make the job easier and more efficient.

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Industry News Recycling Sustainability

Waste Management Trends and Innovations in Australia, and The Challenges

Waste Management is an essential component of sustainable development, and innovations in this field can have a significant positive impact on the environment, public health, and economic growth. In Australia, waste management has been a hot topic in recent years, with a range of new initiatives and innovations being implemented. 


One of the most significant waste management trends in Australia in recent years is a focus on resource recovery and recycling. The Australian Government has implemented a range of initiatives to reduce waste and cut landfill emissions, such as the introduction of container deposit schemes in certain states and the introduction of a national approach to the management of electrical and electronic waste. These new initiatives are helping to ensure that more of Australia’s waste is being recovered and recycled, rather than sent to landfill.


Another major trend in Australia’s waste management strategies is the increasing focus on waste-to-energy initiatives. Technologies such as gasification and pyrolysis are helping to reduce landfill emissions and generate energy from waste. Australia is also investing heavily in anaerobic digestion, which is the process of breaking down organic waste with bacteria in the absence of oxygen, creating biogas which can be used as a source of energy.


In addition to these waste management initiatives, Australia is also looking to shift towards a more circular approach to waste management. This model focuses on reducing the amount of waste generated, improving resource efficiency, and ensuring that materials are reused and recycled wherever possible. This model will help reduce the environmental impacts of waste while also providing economic benefits for businesses and households.


Australia is also beginning to adopt more advanced waste tracking systems to ensure that waste is correctly handled and stored. These systems help to reduce the risk of contamination by tracking the waste materials from collection to disposal, as well as providing detailed reporting on the waste generated by different locations and industries.


Furthermore, Australia is also looking to embrace more digital solutions for its waste management requirements. This includes the use of apps and services to help households and businesses more easily track their waste and reduce their environmental footprint, in addition to the development of digital platforms to connect businesses, government and other stakeholders.


There are a number of challenges that Australia faces in its efforts to improve its waste management strategies. One of the key challenges is a lack of education and understanding of the environment and its impact on waste management. This means that many Australians are unaware of the waste they produce and of the best practices in handling and disposing of their waste. There is also a lack of adequate resources and infrastructure needed to implement effective waste management strategies. 


An additional challenge is that waste management solutions tend to be expensive, and it can be difficult for businesses to find the funds to invest in resource recovery and waste-to-energy initiatives. Many businesses are also reluctant to change their habits and invest in greener practices, due to the potential costs involved. 


The dual responsibility of both the government and the private sector is needed to address these challenges. The government can provide support through financial incentives, legislation, and public education to help businesses and households adopt sustainable waste management practices. Additionally, the private sector can support waste management initiatives through their own investments, such as recycling and composting solutions. With the right support and incentives, Australia can become a global leader in waste management strategies.


In summary, Australia is making significant progress in its waste management strategies, with a focus on resource recovery, waste-to-energy initiatives, circular economy approaches, waste tracking systems, and digital solutions. While much work is still required in this field, the trends and innovations being implemented in Australia are helping to ensure a more sustainable future for both the country and the planet.

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Industry News Recycling Sustainability

The Benefits of Adopting Sustainable Waste Management Practices

Sustainability is an important concept when it comes to waste management. As the world’s population continues to grow, so does the demand for resources, energy, and materials. This, in turn, is creating an ever-increasing demand for waste management. As a result, it is essential to adopt sustainable waste management practices in order to ensure both a healthy environment and economy. 


When it comes to sustainable waste management, there are a variety of benefits to be gained. First and foremost, sustainable waste management practices can help to reduce waste generation. This is done by reducing the amount of materials that are used in the production of goods and services. By reducing the amount of materials used, the amount of waste generated is also reduced. Overall this helps to reduce the burden on the environment, as fewer materials need to be disposed of and less energy is required to process the waste. 


In addition to reducing waste generation, sustainable waste management practices can also help to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfills. This is done by recycling and reusing materials whenever possible. Recycling materials helps to reduce the amount of new materials that need to be produced and reduces the strain on the environment. By reusing materials, businesses can reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfills and increase their efficiency. 


Finally, sustainable waste management can help to reduce the amount of emissions produced by businesses. This is done by reducing the amount of energy required to process and dispose of waste. By reducing the amount of energy needed for waste processing, businesses can reduce the amount of emissions that are produced. Ultimately this helps to reduce the overall impact on the environment. 


Overall, sustainable waste management practices can bring a variety of benefits to businesses and the environment. By reducing the amount of waste generated, recycling and reusing materials, and reducing the amount of energy needed for waste processing, businesses can help to create a healthier environment and a more efficient economy. As such, sustainable waste management practices should be adopted by all businesses in order to ensure a healthier and more sustainable future.

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Industry News Useful Tips

Skip Bins vs Trailers and Mobile Skip Bins: What Are the Major Advantages Of Skip Bins?

When it comes to waste management, skip bins are a popular choice for many businesses and households. They are an effective way to dispose of large amounts of waste without the need for you personally to transport it to a waste management centre. Skip bins offer many advantages over trailers and mobile skip bins, making them the preferred option for many waste disposal needs. 


One of the major advantages of using skip bins over trailers and mobile skip bins is the capacity for larger amounts of waste. Skip bins are typically larger in size than trailers and mobile skip bins, allowing for more waste to be collected in one go. This is particularly beneficial when handling large amounts of waste, as it is more cost-efficient to collect in a single go. 


Another advantage of skip bins is their ability to carry heavier loads. Trailers and mobile skip bins are limited to a lower weight capacity, meaning that heavier loads can be difficult to transport. Skip bins, on the other hand, are able to carry much larger amounts of weight, allowing for heavier waste to be disposed of if necessary. 


One more major advantage of skip bins over trailers and mobile skip bins is the minimal labour involved in tipping them. Unlike trailers and mobile skip bins, which require manual labour to empty, skip bins can be simply tipped over by the hydraulics on the truck to empty the contents. This makes the process of emptying a skip bin much easier and less labour-intensive, saving time and money.


When it comes to hauling large volumes of waste, it is important to leave it to the waste management companies with experience and efficiency to get the job done right. Skip bins are a great choice as they are able to collect and transport large volumes of waste quickly and cost-effectively. This is in contrast to using a trailer or mobile skip bin yourself, which would require more time and effort to transport the waste. Additionally, waste management companies have the necessary resources to ensure that the waste is disposed of in an environmentally-friendly manner.


Overall, skip bins are the preferred choice for many businesses and households when it comes to waste management. They offer many advantages over trailers and mobile skip bins, including the ability to carry larger amounts of waste and weight, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness. If you are looking for an efficient and cost-effective solution to your waste disposal needs, skip bins are the perfect solution for you.

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Useful Tips

Here Are Some Top Tips For Making The Most Of Your Skip Bin Hire

Plan Ahead: When it comes to skip bin hire, planning ahead is key. Think about what type of bin you need and when you’ll need it. Do you have a large project that will require a long-term hire or a smaller job that only needs a short-term hire? Also, think about when you’ll need it, as you may need to book your bin in advance. 


Know the Weight Restrictions: It’s important to know the weight restrictions for your skip bin, as overloading the bin can be dangerous and could result in an extra charge. Different types of skip bins have different weight limits, so make sure you check with the skip bin hire company before you start throwing things in. Click here to find our weight restrictions for each skip bin size.


Check Local Regulations Before you hire a skip bin, it’s important to check your local regulations. There may be certain items you can’t throw away or restrictions on where the bin can be placed. Knowing the local regulations will help you avoid any fines or other repercussions. We have linked to useful blogs below that will assist you in local regulations and permitted skip bin items.


Consider Bin Size Make sure you choose the right size bin for your waste disposal needs. If your bin is too small, you’ll have to make multiple trips to the dump, which can be costly. On the other hand, if your bin is too large, you’ll be paying for space you don’t need. Click here to find our skip bin sizes and types.


Ask Questions If you’re not sure about something, don’t be afraid to ask the skip bin hire company for more information. They’ll be able to answer any questions you have and help you make the right decisions when it comes to hiring a skip bin. Call our office on 1300 225 566 to talk to our friendly staff if you have any questions.


Skip bin hire can be a great way to get rid of unwanted waste, but it’s important to plan ahead and make sure you have all the information you need. By following these top tips, you can make the most of your skip bin hire and ensure your project runs smoothly.

Need more information, check out these two blogs below.

Industry News Sustainability Useful Tips

The Benefits Of Hiring A Skip Bin With A Professional Company

Reducing landfill waste: Skip bins can help to reduce landfill waste by collecting and disposing of large amounts of recyclable and non-recyclable waste in a safe and responsible manner. This can help to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill and also help to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with landfill waste. 


Supporting local businesses and communities: Hiring a skip bin can help to support local businesses and communities. The money spent on skip bin hire can benefit both the local economy and the environment. 


Cost-effective waste management: Hiring a skip bin is a cost-effective way to manage waste. It is typically much cheaper than other forms of waste management and can save businesses and households money in the long run.


Increased safety: Skip bins can help to improve safety by providing a safe and secure way to manage waste. This can help to reduce the risk of injuries associated with manual waste handling and disposal. 


Improved convenience: Skip bins can also improve convenience. They can be delivered to a location and collected at a time that is convenient for the customer, making it easier to manage large amounts of waste.


Environmentally Friendly: Professional skip bin companies take their environmental responsibilities seriously, and will ensure that all waste is disposed of in the correct manner. They will also ensure that all recyclable materials are separated and taken to the correct recycling facility.


If you’re looking to hire a skip bin from a professional company, look no further than Saunders Waste. Click on the Book A Bin button below or call our friendly team on 1300 225 566.